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The Throne’s Day Out: Celebrating World Toilet Day and Its Global Mission

World Toilet Day, observed every 19th of November, might initially sound like an unusual commemoration. Yet, behind its unique name lies a profound global mission: to ensure that everyone has safe access to sanitation by 2030. As we mark this day, let’s delve into its significance and why businesses, including ours, should be at the forefront of this movement.

1. The Stark Reality

According to the United Nations, around 4.2 billion people live without safely managed sanitation. This lack of access to basic facilities is not just a matter of convenience—it can lead to dire health, socio-economic, and environmental consequences.

2. The Health Implication

Inadequate sanitation is linked to the spread of preventable diseases, including cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea. By promoting better sanitation practices and infrastructure, we can combat these health challenges and improve community well-being.

3. Boosting Economic Progress

Investing in sanitation has tangible economic benefits. For every $1 invested in sanitation, there’s an estimated return of $5.50 in lower health costs, increased productivity, and fewer premature deaths.

4. Upholding Dignity and Safety

Sanitation is also a matter of dignity. For many, especially women and girls, the absence of private toilets can expose them to violence and harassment. On this World Toilet Day, we’re reminded of our collective duty to ensure safety and dignity for all.

5. The Environment at Stake

Improper sanitation can lead to the contamination of water sources, affecting ecosystems and communities. Our commitment to sustainable toilet paper is a small step towards a more eco-friendly approach to sanitation.

Joining the Global Mission

As we celebrate World Toilet Day, we at Green Line Way reaffirm our commitment to sustainable sanitation solutions. Our range of eco-friendly toilet products is a testament to our belief in a greener, cleaner, and more inclusive world.


World Toilet Day is more than just a day—it’s a movement aiming to make a tangible difference in the lives of billions. By understanding its significance and adjusting our business practices, we can play a part in this global mission. This year, let’s pledge to do our bit and spread awareness about the importance of safe sanitation for all.

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